Saturday, July 26, 2008

Vincent and Sophie

why are you here?

my feet are trembling

i know but why are you here?

they have their free will

i don't believe you

talk to them if you want

they are stink

i know you still hate me

no, my hands are shaking

look i am here

what do you want now?

my heart is drumming beats

same thing here

can we hug?

no i don't think we can hug

i think so too

can we kiss?

no i don't think we can kiss

yes, that will hurt

and i will cry

i don't wanna die

i really missed you

oh fuck, did you just say that?

i'm such a cuckoo

and i always fell for you

shit, why are you saying that?

it just came out

it's too much pain

maybe you're too weak

maybe you're a hypocrite

fuck, i don't need to hear all this

i want to taste your tongue

stop, please stop, i'll die

i wish i'm dead right now

fuck, go away

dont you want to be fucked?

fuck, same old shitty you

and i miss you too

please, leave, just leave

please, after i kiss you?

why are you doing this to me?

i'll bleed, so what? i'm wounded anyway

you're killing us two

i know and i'm sorry

close your eyes, i'll kiss you

i wanna look into your eyes

close your eyes, please

so that i cant read you?

not too much to be read

yes i know, you love me too

i beg you, close your eyes

so that u'll be disappeared?

yes, but after i kiss you

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hello Clementine!

Clementine Krucyznski: Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours.

Me: You said that to Joel? Touche, Clementine. Touche...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

the list of useless skills

Inspired by Cherry Darling in Planet Terror grindhouse, I too decided to make a list of useless skills of my own. One day, maybe, as Dr. Dakota Block put it "at some point in your life, you find a use for every useless talent you ever had. It's like connecting the dots"...

*crossing fingers*

So, here's a few that i can think of for now...
useless skill #01
I can twist, twirl, twine, spin and roll my tongue real good

useless skill #02
I can move my ears backward and forward

useless skill #03
I can speak manadonese

useless skill #04
I can make cats fell asleep

useless skill #05
I can make funny noises with my toes

useless skill #06
I can generate puns and riddles in minutes count

useless skill #07
I can give a very good head massage

useless skill #08
I can sing lotsa songs from Betharia Sonata's era

useless skill #09
I can blow spit bubbles

useless skill #10
I know lines from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by heart

useless skill #11
I can fall asleep floating on my back in a swimming pool

useless skill #12
I can eat really fast

useless skill #13
I can make rainbows from water and oil

useless skill #14
I can interpret dreams

useless skill #15
I can make a drama out of anything

and still counting....

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

And we're always amazed...

Terlalu banyak Pippi Langstrump mengalir dalam darah kita, lalu panjat pohonnya dan terdamparlah kita di Negeri Tuka-Tuka, melihat bintang timur lalu menghisap Cerutu Sang Pharaoh. Kunang-kunang, Enid! Kunang-kunang! Bintang jatuhkah atau kembang api? Kita terlalu mudah terdistraksi oleh benda-benda yang mengeluarkan cahaya. Kita menerawang diatas atap rumah, aku berbisik, bahkan nama belakangnya pun seperti magnet yang membuat radarku berpijar. Kamu lalu tidak mau kalah, "nama belakang ia, yang tertangkap lampu mercusuarku," katamu, "selalu digambarkan dengan cahaya yang turun dari langit". Semiotika, aku tahu. Tapi somehow betul juga itu. Seperti anak kecil, menyusun nama belakang, tapi kita memang berusia tujuh tahun, berlari-lari di padang rumput, meniup gelembung sabun dan mengejar kupu-kupu. Kamu menemukan pohon oak besar yang ingin kaupanjat, aku menengadah, 'is it actually safe?'. 'It is', you said. Then I climbed up the tree, lalu melihat gumpalan-gumpalan awan yang menggelembung di langit biru. 'Yang itu berbentuk roket yang hendak diterbangkan ke bulan!' katamu, 'it really looks more like one quasiphallical object', i said. Lalu kamu memandangku dengan heran. Aku tidak peduli, aku sedang menggambar dengan crayon, kamu mengamati, lalu kita terheran-heran menikmati semesta.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fox in the Snow

Fox in the snow, where do you go
To find something you can eat?
Cause the word out on the street is you are starving
Dont let yourself grow hungry now
Dont let yourself grow cold
Fox in the snow

Girl in the snow, where will you go
To find someone that will do?
To tell someone all the truth before it kills you
They listen to your crazy laugh
Before you hang a right
And disappear from sight
What do they know anyway?
Youll read it in a book
What do they know anyway?
Youll read it in a book tonight

Boy on the bike, what are you like
As you cycle round the town?
Youre going up, youre going down
Youre going nowhere
Its not as if theyre paying you
Its not as if its fun
At least not anymore
When your legs are black and blue
Its time to take a break
When your legs are black and blue
Its time to take a holiday

Kid in the snow, way to go
It only happens once a year
It only happens once a lifetime
Make the most of it
Second just to being born
Second to dying to
What else could you do?

*song by Belle and Sebastian :) si rubah saljuuuuuuuuu....

Monday, July 07, 2008

Bubble of Thoughts

No we're not born with wings behind our backs
Yes we have fins instead and that's the fact

Inside the glass things could get a little hazy, unclear and blurry
But it's bubble of the thoughts, dear
Ploppin out from your head, dear
Up unto the water surface...

Bubble of thoughts, thousands of them, dispersing themselves,
Disappear into the air
I see you swimming around, dear
Swimming swimming around, dear
On the other side of the glass

Give me the strength for the clang clang
It's much warmer than you think
It's waiting for you
A fear which takes you to the bang bang
But only fate divides us
I see in you
Shoulder to shoulder in the end
Shoulder to shoulder in the end

Please don't shatter the glass, dear
You'd only hurt your nose, dear

You cant shatter the glass,
Why don't you hold on tight
To the bubble of thoughts and
Jump, jump, jump, jump

a song by riddlereverie (is that the fixed name, eh? hihihihi...)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Burka Band

I incidentally stumbled upon this article, it was actually dated years ago, and the core of the issue is really, nothing new. Still it's amuse me nonetheless, in a sad and loathsome kind of way. Kudos to the girls, though. I hope they’re still alive up to now, and not beheaded by some nauseating religious militants. I mean, for freak’s sake, this could very well happen anywhere, in some countries where, in the name of the religion, people feel they have the right to butcher people and their property. Shoveling their sickening pseudo-norms and morality in the name of their belief everywhere. Oh, wait a minute, did I just say some countries? Emm… countries like our country? Oh yah well…

Anyway, here’s the complete article…

The Burka Band

By Michael Lund and Signe Daugbjerg

- Blueee, burka blue, sings the lead singer on the tv, while another woman plays the drums and a third the guitar.

The three girls make small dancesteps and swing the microphone as you would in any other girl band. But there is one big difference. The three girls all wear the Afghan burka, the blue dress that covers a woman from head to toe.

25-year-old Nargiz laughs when she shows us the video in Kabul , the capital of Afghanistan . She is one of the three girls who started the Burka Band two years ago.

- It was a lot of fun, but also very scary. Afghanistan is still a very dangerous place for modern women, and when we shot the video we had to do it very discreetely because no one could know that we were playing music, says Nargiz.

Hidden recording

Nargiz started the Burka Band when she met a German music producer in Kabul in late 2002. The producer was teaching Afghans to play modern music, and Nargiz learned to play the drums. One day she wondered why all the burkas in Kabul were blue, and together with two friends she wrote the song "Burka Blue" which is about burkas and the way you feel when you wear them. The song was recorded in Kabul with help from the German producers. The band would rehearse behind locked doors, so nobody would find out that the women were playing music. The burka also helped hide who the bandmembers really were.

- Of course it was a joke to sing in the burkas, but it was also necessary to wear them. If people in Afghanistan knew who the members of the Burka Band were, we could be attacked or killed because there are still a lot of religious fanatics here, says Nargiz, who hasn't told any of her friends that she has played in the Burka Band.

In 2003 the German record label Ata Tak released the song in Germany and the song became a hit in German clubs after it had been remixed by a german DJ. The Burka Band even performed at a big concert in Köln during a trip to Germany . Unfortunately, Nargiz couldn't join the band in Köln because she had to work, but she followed all the hype from her home in Kabul .

Too dangerous to sing

- At first I didn't believe it, when the German producer told me the song was a hit in Germany . It was fantastic, but at the same time, we also worried that somebody in Afghanistan would find out who we were because of all the attention, remembers Nargiz, who estimates that only 10 people in Afghanistan actually know who the faces behind the burkas in the band belong to.

The Burka Band has never performed in Afghanistan and at the moment the band is not active. During the Taliban regime music was totally forbidden, and women were not allowed to work. To sing in public could carry a death sentence. Today the country is still very conservative, and there is no market in Afghanistan for the Burka Band's music. The band members have to wait for a European or American record label to help them if they are to make a whole album one day.

- I'd like to play again, but right now it is not possible. Last year there was a big bomb at a concert here in Kabul , and lots of people are still against female singers because the religous leaders condemn it. It will probably take 10 years before we will have real girl bands here in Afghanistan , says Nargiz, who now works in an international organisation in Kabul .

The lead singer of the Burka Band has gone to Pakistan because she can't sing in Afghanistan , and the guitarist has a regular job.

Today the only place to see the Burka Band is on the video. On the screen the first and only Afghan girl band plays on with their headphones on the burka-covered heads and the drumsticks swinging. The lyrics go:

- My mother wears a burka, I must wear a burka too. We all wear a burka, we don't know who is who. Blueee, burka blue.

Nargiz's name has been changed to secure her anonymity.

Info box:
The land of no music

When the religious Taliban-movement was in power in Afghanistan they banned all music because they thought singing and dancing was the work of the devil. People listening to music would be beaten or put in prison. Watching television, flying kites and wearing make-up was also forbidden for more than five years and women were forced to wear a burka.

In 2001 the Taliban was ousted from power by a coalition led by the Americans and today the country is moving towards democracy. However, Afghanistan is still a very conservative country and many Afghans feel that especially women shouldn't play music.