Semakin mantap sudah aspirasi saya untuk menyambangi diskotik2 dangdut di tanjung priuk. Semakin mantap! Sungguh!
Couple of months ago, I decided to go on a list, of things I have to do before I die. The idea is not new, of course, tapi saya sungguh merasa bahwa hidup itu adalah sebuah perjalanan linear yang tak mungkin bisa di rewind. So might as well live everything to the fullest while you still can, feel everything, taste everything, see everything, pursue everything that comes across your mind.
One day, it's that 'diskotik dangdut' that comes across my mind.
I have always wondered what's it like inside. They're so kitschy looking, really. I wanna take a look and prove all the stereotypes, all the cliches. Must be one helluva adventure, I thought. Tapi tentu saja, meski sudah membujuk rayu sana sini dengan pandangan mata anak kucing, lirikan menggoda sampai debat filosofis absurd tak menentu, tidak ada satu orang pun yang sudi menemani saya :p sehingga, pelan2 aspirasi itu pun terlupa.
Sampai hari ini! Karena malas naik taxi hari ini saya memutuskan untuk pulang naik angkot. Karena diluar hujan, jalan cukup macet, pun angkot yang saya naiki sepi, cuma dihuni dua penumpang. Saya yang sebatang kara di belakang, dan seorang mas2 di samping abang supir.
Mungkin karena bosan terjebak macet, si abang supir pun menyalakan radio. Entah radio apa. Pertama sih ngobrol2 nggak penting, sampai tiba2 terdengarlah sebuah lagu dangdut disko dengan sentuhan etnis... nyehehe...
Etnis as in... semacam dangdut kerawangan disko disko what the fuck apa pun itu laahhh... mari kita tidak terjebak dalam genre, karena genre itu adalah konsep pengkategorian yang soooo tidak postmodern (cuih...) mengutip kalimat yang pernah dilemparkannya sewaktu baks di tepi danau UI jaman dahulu kala... :p
Saya sesungguhnya cukup terpana oleh lagu itu karena nadanya yang cukup catchy dan teknik vokal penyanyinya yang cukup khas. Simon Cowell selalu menceramahi para kontestan American Idol yang nekad membawakan lagu karangan mereka sendiri dengan... "Itu tidak catchy!", well Simon, ini yang catchy! Ini! Liriknya pun juara!
Berikut sekilas penggalan lirik yang terus terngiang2 di kepala saya...
"Nyeri nyeri nyeri tak kan bisa terobati
Biar berantakan mati pun tak penasaran
Mumpung masih muda belum punya keturunan
Kita cerai saja talak tilu sekalian..."
Now that's the real deal, Simon! I can even feel her pain! Lagu ini sungguh merupakan representasi kultur yang real, it's relatable! Saya jadi inget asisten rumah tangga ibu saya dulu, cantik sekali dia, umurnya baru 21, sudah cerai dua kali.
Saya masih terjebak dalam imajinasi2 aneh ketika berangsur lirik yang diulang2 itu memasuki fase fade out. Sungguh menarik, saya pikir. Lumayan lah menghibur di saat macet2 begini... tapi lagunya sudah habis... ya sudahlah tidur saja... daripada bosen...
Tapi saya salah! Tidak mungkin tentu bosan merundung ketika lagu berikutnya datang berkunjung! Things are just beginning to get even more amusing, really. Untuk yang kedua ini saya akan mendeskripsikannya sebagai "Rockdut gospel dengan sentuhan jazz"!
Saya tidak bisa menangkap dengan jelas sesungguhnya keseluruhan lirik yang dinyanyikan karena si penyanyi -- yang suaranya terdengar seperti hybrid antara Otong Koil dan Rhoma Irama-- menyanyikan keseluruhan lagunya dengan geraman berirama. Ya! Geraman berirama!
Geraman berirama penuh sinergi spiritualitas lebih tepatnya. Ide yang tidak baru, sesungguhnya, lihat As I Lay Dying, atau Stryper, atau Purgatory, atau apa pun itu lah! Sinergi spiritualitas mengalir lewat geraman sang penyanyi seperti pada lirik...
"Ada duit, ada rumah, ada sawah, alhamdulillaaaaaaaahhhh...."
Meskipun geramannya membuat liriknya sedikit sulit dicerna, tapi saya masih bisa menangkap satu dua patah pesan seperti keinginan naik haji, serta ucapan terima kasih akan rezeki. Menyentuh, namun liarrrr! Tentunya saya tidak melupakan alunan syahdu yang muncul nyaris di penghujung lagu. Tiupan saxophone template yang lirih, begitu tiba2, begitu tak terduga, begitu juara!!
Tapi sekali lagi tunggu, saya memang gegabah mengeluarkan kata juara... karena begitu lagu ketiga dimainkan, degup jantung saya seolah mengatakan that i'm about to hear the real deal! The real deal! Inilah juaranya! Inilah!
Lagu dibuka dengan tiupan seruling yang sangat lirih, lirih sekali menyayat hati. Terdengar kemudian suara isakan laki-laki. Perih, perih dan merintih...
Saya hanya ingat sepenggal lirik yang ia nyanyikan... tapi cukuplah untuk menggambarkan betapa nestapanya pria ini...
"Carikan pisau untuk ku potong nadi...
Carikan tali untuk ku gantung diri...
Aduduh... aduduh... kupatah hati...
Mau bunuh diri... tapi kuu takut maaati...
Kuuu takut matiii...."
Galau! Sungguh! Everybody Loves Irene, kalian seharusnya malu! Inilah galau terbaik abad ini. Saya menyesal sudah memvoting kalian berkali-kali di AVIMA 2009 untuk 'best melancholy masterpiece'. Saya malu!! Inilah melancholy masterpiece yang sesungguhnya! Kalian tidak ada apa-apanya!
Tepat ketika lagu melancholy masterpiece itu berakhir, tiba pulalah angkot saya di depan kompleks saya. What a bliss, strike three! Berikutnya, ayo siapa yang mau menemani saya ke diskotik dangdut? Marilah kemari hei hei heiiii....
absurd.... hehehehehe....
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What a Beautiful Waste of Sunshine...
What a beautiful day for a crushing defeat
What a stupid waste of sunshine
A funeral pace down a favourite street
But I have to come home sometime, I suppose
Don’t be hopeful on my behalf
I’d like to offer my resignation
And strangle myself with a football scarf
Or act in self-defenestrationhttp
Yeah, I have seen better days
The weekend was mine to waste
I had nothing to do
And you had nothing to do with me
And I try, and I try, and I try your patience
How low must your expectations be?
Goodness gracious me
Goodness gracious me
What a stupid waste of sunshine
A funeral pace down a favourite street
But I have to come home sometime, I suppose
Don’t be hopeful on my behalf
I’d like to offer my resignation
And strangle myself with a football scarf
Or act in self-defenestrationhttp
Yeah, I have seen better days
The weekend was mine to waste
I had nothing to do
And you had nothing to do with me
And I try, and I try, and I try your patience
How low must your expectations be?
Goodness gracious me
Goodness gracious me
ah, milord, what hath come down to the labyrinth? the minotaur, milord. the darkest children of Osiris.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Between Phoebe Buffay and Calvin (and Hobbes)
I took Jung Typology Test today and it turned out that I have an INFP (Introverted-iNtuitive-Feeling-Perceiving) types of personality.
I wouldn't want to bore y'all with all the yada yada about this type of personality. (Though, if you're interested enough, you can quite take a peek on it here.) What interested me most is the fact it's stated that people with INFP is often set off from the rest of humanity because of its scarcity. Being found only in around one percent of the rest of the population.
If any of these could describe, INFP found in characters such as href="">Calvin(from Calvin and Hobbes), Phoebe Buffay/Princess Consuela Bananahammock, William Shakespeare, A.A Milne , and E.T! What? E.T?! (and i can imagine venie laughing her fucking ass off).

It's also stated that Literature/Writer, Humanity, Web-Design, Philosophy and Archeology are the top five most suitable occupations based on the INFP personality type. Hahah... neat...
And of course, who could express these whole yada yada better than the song about that outcast cat? Phoebe understands it really well.
Three, four...
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
It's not your fault...
They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault....
I wouldn't want to bore y'all with all the yada yada about this type of personality. (Though, if you're interested enough, you can quite take a peek on it here.) What interested me most is the fact it's stated that people with INFP is often set off from the rest of humanity because of its scarcity. Being found only in around one percent of the rest of the population.
If any of these could describe, INFP found in characters such as href="">Calvin(from Calvin and Hobbes), Phoebe Buffay/Princess Consuela Bananahammock, William Shakespeare, A.A Milne , and E.T! What? E.T?! (and i can imagine venie laughing her fucking ass off).
It's also stated that Literature/Writer, Humanity, Web-Design, Philosophy and Archeology are the top five most suitable occupations based on the INFP personality type. Hahah... neat...
And of course, who could express these whole yada yada better than the song about that outcast cat? Phoebe understands it really well.

Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
It's not your fault...
They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault....
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