I'm writing this while I'm still angry. Big time angry. Like, furiously angry. I've never had such an insanely impolite taxi driver whole my life that makes me wanna go through all the mess writing complaint letters to media and buzzing costumer service with my call.
So here's how it was... it's 4.30 PM this afternoon and I was going to my friend's house in Bintaro. My plan was to grab some of my friend's rare movie collections so I brought my portable hardisk along with me. The sky was pretty dark in Pondok Pinang, where I live, and it was obviously going to rain. I wouldn't want to risk my portable hardisk getting soaked in the rain so I chose to take a taxi, also because I wasnt really quite familiar with the streets in Bintaro, though it's obviously not very far from Pondok Pinang.
I took an Express Taxi, greeted the driver as I got in the car as I always do and told him that I wanted to go to Bintaro. As a response to that, he asked me which Bintaro sector I wanted to go. Now, the only direction that my friend gave me was to find 'Organon' first (i didn't know where the Organon was at that time), and then from there, I could call her and she would direct me to her place. So that's what I did, I told the driver, politely, to find Organon first.
But in turn he gave me this response:
"Organon? Itu kan dekat banget! Macet"
Mind you, he said those sentences with a very high tone so I was quite set off. I told him that my destination is not Organon, it's still quite far from Organon but I need to get to Organon first. Guess what he said next?
"Itu depan sana ada angkot ke Organon. Naik angkot aja!"
WTF??? I thought. You are not talking to me like that, oh no.. no.. you are so not talking to me like that. I was already frickin pissed by that time, but I decided not to unleash the mama bitch yet. I was provoked, but at the same time I also know that he has automatically set off himself in big trouble with those words he said. So I decided to play along.
"Tempatnya masih jauh, Pak, dari Organon. Bapak baru aja menyuruh saya naik angkot? Saya bisa komplain ke Express atas perlakuan Bapak!"
I asked for his name and he was silenced a bit. But not for long. Apparently the taxi had reached that place called Organon.
"Dari sini kemana lagi, anak muda?!" He said with an annoyed tone.
Jesus, if I wasn't too angry at that time, I would laugh my ass off. But I was furious, and I couldn't stand his impoliteness. Oh how I would love to kick him at that time, but the rain has already falling outside and to kick his ass would obviously mean to jump straightly out of the car right after I kick him and voluntarily get myself soaked by the rain, so I decided to doo some woosahh... woooosaaaahhh...
"Ini Organon, Pak? Kalau emang udah sampai spot yang namanya Organon, kita belok kiri."
But instead of turning his car to the left he said:
"Anak muda, saya tidak suka nada bicara anak muda tadi waktu bilang saya menyuruh anda naik angkot! Bukan begitu maksudnya!"
What? Oh oh, yeah... I know what you want now, you jackass. You want to push it, don't you? Better not push it too far, really. Mama bitch is not nice. She's noooot nice.
But of course he chose to push it too far.
"Jangan lah sembarangan bicara, anak muda! Siapa juga yang nyuruh anda naik angkot! Sembarangan! Saya tidak senang! Saya juga punya hati!"
Dia bilang dia juga punya hati????? Yeah yeah those of you who are reading it right now, I know you're laughing. Yes yes it was funny, but at that time I really couldnt get the joke. So I told him, furiously:
"Saya juga tidak senang Bapak tidak sopan sama saya, bicara dengan nada kasar, menyuruh saya naik angkot padahal diluar sedang hujan, dan memanggil saya dengan panggilan 'anak muda' yang terdengar melecehkan! Ya, saya tidak suka! Dan saya akan melaporkan pada Express! Karena saya ti-dak-su-ka! TIDAK SUKA!"
And he said...
OVERLYSENSITIVE? ME? MOI? EIKE SENSITIP? Sensitive my ass! That's it, I'm not going to take this stupid driver's nonsense anymore.
"Bapak yang sensitif!! Kalo nggak mau narik gak usah jalan lah!"
"Ya udah TURUN AJA!!!"
HAH? Did he just say thaaaat? Did he just forced me to get out of his car right in the middle of the rain? That's it. He's so done. I'm so going to call that FUCKING EXPRESS and he's so going to get fired. That's it for him. Weep later you son of a bitch!
I was going to reach for my money in my wallet and giving him the classic 'throw money on da face' gesture before he said "Gak usah bayar!"
So i retorted "Bagus! Siap2 aja dipecat!" and slammed the door real hard i'm sure i would win a guiness record if there's a category for that.
What a jackass! And Express is really going to pay a whole fucking lot if they dont do anything to that dumb morron. So I picked up my phone, dialed their numbers, and demanded them to send me the copy of his warning letter no late than this end of the week, or I'll fuck their image off. I have ways of doing that. Waaaays.