i hate it when people call me dumb blonde i hate it when people act as if they know me better than myself i hate it when people talk behind my back i hate it when people judge me from my appearance i hate people.....
i hate it when thinker-bell raised the tone of his voice on me... i know i was too 'menye-menye' but he really did not have to raise the tone of his voice on me... it reminded me of HIM and i hate all the thoughts about HIM in my head...
and i DO NOT hate animals... i think they could be really cute sometimes... is just that i have never ever find an animal that loves me or could be loved by me... most of the time they're just simply annoying and make a lot of mess... but i learn to leave them alone, i wont bother them (apalagi sampai merencanakan serangkaian aksi penyiksaan terencana) because i DO NOT hate animals...
and i dont want too go back to my kostan right now because my room is too messy and i hate being in a messy room because i couldnt even think of any single line for my new writing project and that sucks. but i dont want to tidy up my room because it's not my turn now, it's antie's, but she's too busy with her exam and again that sucks.
and GOD DAMN erlan keeps calling me and misscalled me and sent me sms... and i really really do not want to talk with him because he only asks me the same questions and talks about the same topics over and over and over and over again and that pisses me off.
and i hate it because my mother hasn't sent me my money for this week
and i hate it because there is no stars in the sky tonight, and i HAVE NOT SEEN STARS FOR YEARS.
Hell girl.. I've called you a dumb blonde for, like, a gazillion times? Oh.. and I've also called you a dumb blonde behind your back as well..
Trus gimana dong sie? Berarti gue masuk your top ten hated people list dunks? ;p
dan.. denger2 dr Ovie.. kalian akan segera melancarkan rencana jahat kalian untuk menzolimi(erm.. itu ejaan-nya benar ga ya..) gue yah? -hmph-
dasar.. udah bagus loe punya temen baik2 kayak gue untuk menaikkan citra loe yang bobrok di mata anak sastra (yang salah satunya allegedly pernah ngliat loe mabok di new year's eve).. kok malah mo merusak nama gue?
nama baik gw rusak di sastra? pitnah tuh hehehe...
justru gw dan ovi berencana meluruskan pengrusakan nama baik lo di sastra, jadi kami akan merusak nama baik lo secara lurus, baik dan benar... maka inilah pengrusakan nama baik secara berkualitas dan dapat dipercaya... apa seh :p
anyway, tulisan itu bukan tentang lo kok, bro... atau elo ngerasa? huehuheuheuhuhe...
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