I got it from http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1763617
So this is what was happened back then...
God nervously paces back and forth in front of Adam and Eve.
God: We need to talk. You've both have been alive for a full three weeks now, and you may have started to notice certain, um, urges when you're around each other.
The two stare blankly.
God: Let me start over. You know the birds and the bees?
Adam: I named them both. So?
God: You're right, that metaphor doesn't help or even make sense. To try another tack - there are only two of you. What if we wanted more?
Adam: I guess you could take another of my ribs, but that really hurt and now I whistle when I breathe.
God: Right! Well, if you love each other very much and decide to spend the rest of your lives with each other-
Eve: As opposed to whom?
God: Here, the angels gave me these diagrams. Maybe they help?
Adam: Oh THAT? We've been doing that for weeks! It's great!
Eve: Yeah! Wait, what's this next part? Is- Is that a little Adam? You put a little you inside me?!?
Adam: I did that? I am the man!
God: Technically, that's true.
Eve: Do I have to do the thing with the new Adam, too?
Adam: But- I thought you enjoyed the thing!
Eve: I do, but, um, God said we should only use it for making more you's. Or maybe me's. Any other time really pisses him off.
God: I did not say that.
Adam: Fine. What about that other, more complicated thing we tried? The one that doesn't make people?
Eve: Yeah, he's definitely against that one.
Adam: Well, heck, maybe I'll just go do it with one of the lions! How about that?
God: I can't believe you're making such a huge deal out of this simple,natural thing. Forget it. I'm not even going to tell you about super-orgasms.
Adam: Wait, what?
God disappears in a flash of lightning.
Adam: That was weird. Want to do the thing?
Eve: Is that all you think about?
*cartoon by Andre Kepple
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