Boyfriend: What happened to your eyes? They're bloodshot.
Girlfriend: Dust.
Boyfriend: Is it contagious? Shall I keep a distance? +move three steps away+
Girlfriend: D-U-S-T. Screw you. +giving the evil eyes+
Boyfriend: O-oh, someone forgot to swallow her happy pills* today.
Girlfriend: I dont swallow pills. I grind them with my teeth.
Boyfriend: You should grind those happy pills then. Alarming state, this is.
Girlfriend: Is that a permission to grind you?
Boyfriend: Most certainly. +grin+ Start with my nose. Itchy.
*backsound: cute 'aaaaahhwwww....' from the audience*
* I actually in prescription on some hormonal pills, to treat my irregular menstrual cycle. The pills have some kind of side effects, though, they gave me mood swings, but most of the time it's a 'happy swing', so I call them 'happy pills'.
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