Tuesday, May 03, 2005

To Ishtar

Ishtar, the guardian of the prostitutes.
can I, on behalf of myself
declare how I found
this contradicting
sense within
of the really really do how much I care for you
and an urge
to stab your beautiful back.



Anonymous said...

sisie, do you, by any chance, know that in the impossibles, i put Istar as the god of primal good's name [well, the rest are our names...] and that Istar's a he, not a she?

this is funny...

sisie said...

umm... The Impossibles itu project narcissistic kalian itu ya?
tidak. saya tidak tau apa-apa.
Ishtar yang gw maksud itu Ishtar di ancient mythology-nya Akkadia..
tapi itu cuma metafora doang..
the metaphore i refuse to reveal here..
biasa deh, impulsive thought..

Anonymous said...

Anw, Lurino: what, only females have the right to have a beautiful back?

(I don't see any gender reference in the post at all btw)