Saturday, November 29, 2008

We need your HELP! The government is barbaricly killing cats and dogs in the street!

"Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don't vote." ~ Paul Harvey, American Radio Commentator

Dari Kompas, Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan (Disnakkanla) DKI Jakarta akan melakukan razia kucing dan anjing liar yang dianggap mengganggu lingkungan di Jakarta. Katanya, kucing dan anjing liar ini populasinya udah berlebihan sehingga bahkan banyak terlihat di puskesmas, kantor pemerintahan dan istana negara. Penyelesaiannya? Seperti yang ditegaskan oleh kepala Disnakkanla, Edy Setiarto, anjing dan kucing liar ini terancam dibunuh.

A friend of mine told me that recently she watched on tv, bagaimana anjing dan kucing liar ditangkapi. Mereka ditangkap pake jaring terus dilempar gitu aja ke bak. Bahkan ada yang sampai berdarah-darah. Nasib selanjutnya? Maybe there'll go straight to the death chamber :(

And that's just typical! Keputusan-keputusan yang gampangan dan barbar memang rajin sekali dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah kita. I mean, negara kita sampai sekarang nggak pernah punya shelter yang benar-benar decent dan terorganisir dengan baik oleh pemerintah untuk mengurusi masalah hewan-hewan liar seperti anjing dan kucing. Ada sih, di Ragunan, tapi bahkan di sana pun hewan-hewan terancam dibunuh karena nggak ada yang mengadopsi.. Lantas, begitu populasi hewan liar mulai tidak terkontrol dan 'mengganggu' mereka di kantor-kantor pemerintahan atau istana negara, mereka dengan gampangnya ngambil solusi untuk 'bunuh-bunuhin aja!'

Padahal, sekiranya pemerintah kita cukup cerdas, populasi anjing dan kucing itu justru bisa dikontrol dengan baik dengan adanya shelter-shelter itu. Mereka disterilisasi dan dirawat serta bisa diadopsi oleh orang-orang yang menginginkan mereka. But no, tentu saja. Seperti yang saya kutip di awal entry ini, mana perduli pemerintah sama isu beginian, binatang kan nggak punya hak pilih dalam pemilu! Nggak punya hak pilih ---> nggak bisa jadi suara tambahan yang nganterin mereka ke kursi empuk ruang berAC dimana mereka bisa terbuai-buai sambil mengeruk duit rakyat.

And i'm so angry, i really am. Because sometimes I think, in this world of the fucked ups, those animals are so far better than human. As Mark Twain accurately put "Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. He is the only creatures that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that can not." Plus, seriously, I know some people who has poorer brain capacity than a mused mice, those religious militants, for instance. I would rather have myself surrounded by thousands of cats and dogs than having one of those stupid religious around.

So what can we do about it, friends? Well, razia masih berlanjut dan teman-teman kita di iCARE membuat petisi untuk diteruskan kepada pemerintah DKI Jakarta. Lo bisa ikutan petisi ini untuk menunjukkan kepedulian lo dan mencegah lebih banyak lagi kucing-kucing dan anjing-anjing yang disakiti secara barbar oleh pemerintah. Lebih lanjut, ini bisa jadi langkah awal untuk menegaskan kepada pemerintah akan perlunya pengadaan shelter untuk mengatur permasalahan hewan liar, termasuk masalah penyakit dan populasi.

Ini surat yang mereka buat untuk pemerintah. Lo bisa kopi paste surat di bawah ini dan kirimkan langsung atau ke di bagian 'surat anda'. Atau lo bisa tulis sendiri uneg2 lo pada pemerintah dan kirimkan langsung ke alamat tersebut. Jangan lupa CC surat yang dikirim ke iCARE di alamat agar jumlah surat yang terkirim bisa didata oleh mereka.

Ini contoh surat dari iCARE untuk pemerintah:

Yth Pemerintah DKI Jakarta

Bersama surat ini saya menyatakan keberatan saya dan segenap pecinta satwa selaku Warga Negara Indonesia atas rencana Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan DKI Jakarta yang berencana untuk memusnahkan anjing dan kucing jalanan sbb :

Kami menyadari bahwa hewan jalanan dalam jumlah besar akan menimbulkan penyakit dan ketidaknyamanan bagi masyarakat, namun pembunuhan BUKAN lah jalan untuk mengatasi kelebihan populasi satwa jalanan.

Bayangkan ketika anda sudah membunuh mereka, namun tetap saja pemilik satwa yang tidak bertanggung jawab membuang satwa peliharaan ke jalan dan mereka kembali berkembang biak maka anda harus mengadakan pembunuhan massal LAGI tidak lama kemudian.

Pembunuhan memang mudah, namun tidak efektif dan menunjukkan perilaku samasekali tidak menghargai kehidupan. Anda bekerja atas nama bangsa Indonesia dan mewakili kami semua, dan apabila kejadian ini sungguh terjadi samasaja dengan mempermalukan kami dan bangsa ini.

Suatu metode untuk mengatasi permasalahan kelebihan populasi satwa jalanan yang kami anjurkan adalah dengan STERILISASI untuk mencegah lahirnya satwa yang harus tersia-sia hidupnya dijalanan.

Dengan catatan, kegiatan sterilisasi diawasi oleh pihak swasta/ LSM yang bergerak di bidang kesejahteraan satwa ( animal welfare) untuk menjamin bahwa prosedur yang digunakan sesuai dengan kaidah dalam kesejahteraan satwa .
Dengan sterilisasi maka satwa tidak akan berkembang biak dan apabila masih ada satwa yang terlewatkan untuk disterilpun, perkembangbiakan akan terhambat karena kebanyakan satwa di jalanan sudah disteril.

Bagi yang sudah terlanjur ada di jalan, sebaiknya dilakukan vaksinasi rabies secara berkala apabila masih ada ketakutan akan penyakit rabies, walaupun pulau Jawa sudah bebas rabies seperti yang telah diketahui bersama.

Dan juga himbauan dan sanksi tegas bagi para pemilik satwa yang membuang satwa di jalanan.

Semoga Jakarta dapat menjadi contoh bagi Disnak Propinsi lain sebagai Badan Pemerintah yang bermoral.

Demikian surat kami selaku pecinta satwa sekaligus Warga Negara Indonesia, semoga diperhatikan dan ditindaklanjuti sebagaimana mestinya.

( Nama Terang)
(Alamat Rumah)
(no Telp)
(atau apasaja yang bisa membuktikan bahwa anda nyata)

" Kebesaran suatu bangsa dan perkembangan moralnya dapat dilihat melalui perlakuan mereka terhadap satwa. " Mahatma Gandhi

" The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animal are treated. " Mahatma Gandhi.


Kirimkan dan sebarkan sebanyak-banyaknya, teman-teman! Terima kasih sudah membantu...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Good night, good repose o good swines!

Now, unto thy blanket good night!
Whilst that this shadow, o me swine lord,
Doth such substance give
For I, me lord,
Locked hereth in me own chamber,
Thus far from the chamber where thou liest.
When in dead night, retire we upon solitary
Me shade, o noble swine,
Shalt hold thee till it be fair morrow
For thou mayst see daylight,
Which lead thee forth, o brave swine,
Unto me sweet kiss, the golden sun gives not.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Change in the weather

There's a change in the weather
Heard it's coming soon
There's a change in the weather
Hope this gets to you
Here's to everyone, sing along

There's a change in the weather
Don't know where to go
There's a change in the weather
Don't go to work
Here's what we say, sing along
Here's what we do, sing along

When it's closing in we're gonna hold you
And whisper sweet melodies in your ear
So you never feel lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely

*songs by The Concretes,
picture was taken from

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Morning wake up call

Is the world too fucked up to apply the concept of peace and understanding?
Is that such a utopic and alien concept?

I dont understand why there are too many evil people around... :(

Good morning, folks. Hope you all have a good day. Hope you all would wish each and everyone of you happiness during the day and security during the night.
Hope you all would allow at least a tiny space in your corrupted little brain to think of enlighten yourself.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mari menyembah bambu :)

Ah, setelah berhari2 terjerat diskusi awut-awutan namun menarik nian di blog ini saya jadi menyadari kalo semesta ini begitu kaya. Bagaimana tidak? tulisan mbeling si empunya blog itu berhasil mengundang berjenis-jenis makhluk yang membuat saya terheran-heran. Para Islam radikalis berdatangan? ah itu mah ketebak. Datang pihak-pihak yang keukeuh bahwa Islam sekarang berada di jaman kegelapan? Saya sudah sering dengar argumen mereka. Tapi baru tadi malam saya bertemu spesies baru, yak! dia itu adalah spesies MURTAD JUMAWA.
Hahaha... lucu sekali. Saya sampai tergelak-gelak. Tambahan lagi dia sangat seksis dan terobsesi pula dengan agama saya, yang menurut saya berada dalam ranah personal. Tapi saya cukup baik hati mengizinkan dia membaca2 blog saya, siapa tahu dapat pencerahan dengan main tebak-tebakan buah manggis, apa agama saya sebenarnya.
Saya terheran-heran, dan jadi terlibat pembicaraan maha serius yang menyebabkan kepala saya hampir pecah rasanya karena dipaksa berpikir terlalu keras, dengan seorang teman saya, veniestlavie.

veniestlavie: Emang agama lo apaan nyet? Hahaha... kayanya keukeuh bener tu orang pengen tau agama lo. Dia pengen ngebuktiin kalo agama lo itu salah kali nyet. Dia murtad jumawa kan? Mungkin dia punya segala macem argumen buat mentahin agama lo...
silencedmekare: ..... agama gue? Duh... sebenernya gak enak gini gue bilangnya... agama gue...namanya.... Palalishakaratendhura...
veniestlavie: HAHAHAHAH. Tolol lo. Dasar bitchy keparat. agama lo nyembah bambu ya?
silencedmekare: iya, ritual sembahyangnya main suling. makanya gue keberatan sama UU AP soalnya kalo lagi niup suling gue harus sambil egol egol. gue merasa terancam dengan keberadaan UU itu...
veniestlavie: ahahaha... bisaaa bisaaa...
silencedmekare: dewi suling gue namanya Ventjerooshka.
veniestlavie: bagus, bagus...
silencedmekare: nabi gue namanya robert...
veniestlavie: ah kurang eksotis itu mah. gimana kalo nabi lo namanya Bolis Kleepertart?
silencedmekare: AHAHAHAHA. tolol lo! iya emang itu namanya. ahahahaha...
silencedmekare: actually Bolis Kleepertart itu bukan nabi, dia dewa yang mengatur semua persebaran tahi lalat di muka bumi ini.
veniestlavie: Bwahahahahaha... nyet nyet, hewan suci lo adalah babi... babi dengan tiga mata... pose andalannya yang kaya Buddha tidur itu nyet...
silencedmekare: Iya terus di perut babi tiga mata itu terpatri dengan indah gambar Dewi Ventjeeroshka dan Dewa Bolis Klepeertart. Semuanya mengetengahkan pemujaan suci terhadap bambu, nyet.
veniestlavie: mwahahaha...

Jadi, ada yang tertarik menyembah bambu seperti saya? Saya tidak memaksa loh... kan 'bagiku agamaku dan bagimu agamamu'? :p

Monday, November 24, 2008

The First Sex Talk

Really funny. Hahaha. This was happened back in those days when got created the first two humans on earth, and thought, well... the world needs to be less dependent on him and the two needs to know how to make more humans by themselves...

I got it from

So this is what was happened back then...
God nervously paces back and forth in front of Adam and Eve.

God: We need to talk. You've both have been alive for a full three weeks now, and you may have started to notice certain, um, urges when you're around each other.

The two stare blankly.

God: Let me start over. You know the birds and the bees?

Adam: I named them both. So?

God: You're right, that metaphor doesn't help or even make sense. To try another tack - there are only two of you. What if we wanted more?

Adam: I guess you could take another of my ribs, but that really hurt and now I whistle when I breathe.

God: Right! Well, if you love each other very much and decide to spend the rest of your lives with each other-

As opposed to whom?

God: Here, the angels gave me these diagrams. Maybe they help?

Adam: Oh THAT? We've been doing that for weeks! It's great!

Eve: Yeah! Wait, what's this next part? Is- Is that a little Adam? You put a little you inside me?!?

I did that? I am the man!

Technically, that's true.

Eve: Do I have to do the thing with the new Adam, too?

Adam: But- I thought you enjoyed the thing!

I do, but, um, God said we should only use it for making more you's. Or maybe me's. Any other time really pisses him off.

I did not say that.

Adam: Fine. What about that other, more complicated thing we tried? The one that doesn't make people?

Eve: Yeah, he's definitely against that one.

Well, heck, maybe I'll just go do it with one of the lions! How about that?

God: I can't believe you're making such a huge deal out of this simple,natural thing. Forget it. I'm not even going to tell you about super-orgasms.

Wait, what?

God disappears in a flash of lightning.

That was weird. Want to do the thing?

Eve: Is that all you think about?


*cartoon by Andre Kepple

Friday, November 21, 2008

After years...

and years of perceiving things from my head. Masih aja, this tic-toc-tic this very second, daku berasa di judge.
Gak asik.
Besok aja yah daku lanjutin, daku udah mau pingsan gara2 di depan komp mulu dari jam 10 pagi.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sometimes I wish...

I could just shut up the bitch in me. Life seems so much unruffled for damsels in distresses.
Singing melodious tunes with chirping birds, admiring butterflies, and batting eyelashes. I can do that, hell who cant? Well maybe not singing melodious tunes, but I can do the numa numa dance and what's with being contented with it?

Maybe it was such a delution, after all. A marionette on the hand of one amused puppetteer, you really cant overact your role. That would upset the hands above, that would got you in the box.

And who am I preaching about logic and rationality and common sense and noble efforts for humankinds, when after all, I'm just a drama whore?
Lost again. I'm such a weakling. When can I learn to be all stiffy and firm?
I mean seriously, i shouldnt try too hard on this, a drama whore, an overly sensitive girl with this big thumping heart should just stay behind the line. Then she wont slip.

Boohoo. I hate being a gemini. It's like having two bipolar neurotics screaming at the same time in my head.

I would feel the same even if you're a New Age Tyrant

It's started as a big kaboom, and it was never been the same again right here. *pointing head* hear the sound of cuckocachoo there. Because I'm confused right now.
Call me a frickin useless dove, but it was like:
"Babe I'm a proud Salaafi."
"Fuck. Not funny."
Fucking Saalafi, I shudder with disgust for radicalists. Any form of it. I hate how they utilize the airy content in their hollow numbskulls to destroy culture and humankind. I hate how they use mono-interpretation towards everything. What's so wrong with hermeneutics anyway?
Any darn Durka durka jihadist, christian fundamentalist, atheist oppressor, buddhist fascist if there's any, fuck... even zoroastrian hardwing or even if you're a new age tyrant imposing cultural imperialism of your yada yada LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) for every fucking one in this universe, I would feel the same loathe.
Enlight me, I'm confused of your proudness.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When things are bursting

I'm a busy bee :D Having fun at it too. No I cant write much right now, because my head's currently pounding with creative bubbles bursting out helplessly to be poured out. love it love it love it.
Projects projects projects projects!!!
I'm currently editing an art book, right now, a mighty interesting one too. It is ought to be published in Singapore before it is released here, and though the I'm sure the editing part will be really challenging, the artist had asked me to make several poems and limericks to be put for the bridging of the artwork. yippieee!
And then there's this book I'm currently working on for one publisher, my personal project! Soooo fun, I am given freedom to explore anything, to combine different approaches, art forms, and writing style for the book! I'm feeling ecstatic cause I have never done anything like this before.
And then also this new 'special project' from my office, where I'm currently in charge. Challenge! Challenge! Challenge! Love it, really!
Not to mention, I'm now crazy in sketching here, sketching there, crafting this, crafting that. Not much, really. But the idea is overflowing like crazy. Thanx to Ika for that! Hehe... she's such an inspiration
And what can I say, dear dearie, I say I'm in love with life that is! yippipihiii!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy Pills

Some girls are nightmarish when it comes to PMS-ing. Dont ask me why, it just happens. Rather nonsensically amusing, actually, even to myself.

Boyfriend: What happened to your eyes? They're bloodshot.
Girlfriend: Dust.
Boyfriend: Is it contagious? Shall I keep a distance? +move three steps away+
Girlfriend: D-U-S-T. Screw you. +giving the evil eyes+
Boyfriend: O-oh, someone forgot to swallow her happy pills* today.
Girlfriend: I dont swallow pills. I grind them with my teeth.
Boyfriend: You should grind those happy pills then. Alarming state, this is.
Girlfriend: Is that a permission to grind you?
Boyfriend: Most certainly. +grin+ Start with my nose. Itchy.

*backsound: cute 'aaaaahhwwww....' from the audience*


* I actually in prescription on some hormonal pills, to treat my irregular menstrual cycle. The pills have some kind of side effects, though, they gave me mood swings, but most of the time it's a 'happy swing', so I call them 'happy pills'.