Monday, July 11, 2005

The Oddity about the Park that I Went to Last Night

There’s nothing too odd about the park that I went to last night
There were flowers
And ponds and trees and lamps and park benches
And everything and everything
There’s nothing too odd,
Except the grass
The grass was black
Pitch black, matte black, really dark it drew all the lights, swallowed it up, inside.
Absorbing, draining all the twinkling light, whatever.
And there were crows, all over the grass,
With their raucous voices, gathering around, flocking together in a large large mass,
Chattering, flapping their wings, moving around like hell,
Restless, tense, agitated.

There’s nothing too odd about the park that I went to last night.
Oh yes of course I told you that the grass was black.
But there’s nothing odd about black,
Black is just another color, like red, yellow,
Green, brown, pink, blue, white, purple, orange, whatever.
Oh yah well, did I just say that there were crows too?
Um… well… that’s a bit odd, though…
What the hell were the crows doing there in the park upon the black grass?
Let me sneak a look there then one more time,
I forgot. Crows and its evil omen.
There was indeed a dead body on the black grass.
But, yah well…
People die everyday
So I guess it’s not that odd either.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ternyata sudah bisa!! Hahahaha! I love you babi. Cool..err..poetry :). I get everything.