Sunday, July 10, 2005

Reality Check

So yesterday my loved one said that he was going to close his friendster account soon enough. I asked him why, and he told me that the friendster account is pretty much useless, there’s nothing that he can do there, everything’s just so pointless and hopeless.
For him, friendster, and its bulletin board facility was supposedly a good opportunity to exchange insights, ideas, point of views, or information. He does not own that many friends on his friendster account, only seventy something, but it supposedly means seventy something opportunities of different point of views, or seventy something new windows of information. It turned out, of course, like we all know, the bulletin board is only full of those people filling some very trivia and meaningless quizzes (yes, even me too is included in these kind of people, like you all know, I guess) or some stupid EOs informing about some stupid R ‘n B parties (you know, I don’t mind people informing about some parties of course, but these EOs are really annoying, they could post up to 40 bulletin board at the same time only to inform one or two parties, which of course always causing my bulletin board section become flooded). Meanwhile, when he tried to post something a bit serious, something that should be put a bit in our concerns, like the dying Africa children for instance, or some massive ruin of our countries, or whatever thoughts to be discussed, very few people care to give respond. Since they are only looking for those trivia quizzes, and not some so called ‘yang berat-berat’, as one of my friend said… wont mention her name though. He said that, only very few people care to share their opinions and be the part of the discussions, even fewer people care to forward it so that their own circle of friends would get the bulletin and the thought sharing would be expanded.

It’s true though. Nobody really gives a fuck about those so called ‘yang berat-berat’. When Ruli posted a bulletin board about our ruined country, only Yogi , Lurino and myself, out of seventy something care to forward the bulletin board.
When my friend JJ posted a bulletin board about those AGJs phenomena, also only few people forward the bulletin board (I don’t know how much though, because I don’t really know how many people are there in his circle of friends)
When I posted a bulletin board about chicklits and the massive retardation, again, only very few people out of two hundred something care to forward the bulletin board; Ruli, Lurino and… I don’t remember whether Yogi forward my bulletin board or not.
When Lurino, Yogi, or Agung posted something or two about their thoughts, very few people care to continue the discussion, exchange the thoughts or give new point of views.
And when I posted an info that there are little kittens that are desperately need help and a home, nobody replied.

So apparently, the discussion and the though sharing are not expanded. Ruli’s right, I guess, two hundred something of my friends and seventy something of Ruli’s friends in friendster don’t necessarily means that much point of views. Nothing’s really new, actually, I mean, I hang out with Ruli, Yogi, Lurino and the rest of the peer groups quite often (if not to say, nearly everyday… -sigh- … I really should get a life :p) so Ruli’s thoughts, Yogi’s thoughts, Lurino’s thoughts, are not really that new for me, I mean, we had discussions in real life, we exchange our point of views and opinions in real life, so I wont consider those thoughts they posted on friendster as something newly discovered, whereas the rest of the people in my friendster account whom I less likely have the time and opportunity to meet and sit in a discussion to exchange our thoughts and opinions, whose point of views are supposedly something I don’t usually hear in the real life (since I don’t hang out with all of them like I do with the ‘peer groups’) are very seldom care to do exchange opinions or point of views, or probably even care to read those ‘yang berat-berat’ bulletin boards which usually come in a quite long articles, unlike those fun, easy-to-read quizzes.

Well, about the long articles, I do realize though that most people are unwilling or probably don’t have much time to read them, so I usually post long articles in my blog, not in the bulletin board. And also, of course I do realize that not all those people there in my friends list who do not forward or reply the discussion are totally ignorant or do not have any concern about the topics discussed, probably they’re just as pessimistic as Ruli who thought that it’s pretty much useless to put the thoughts there since there wont be anybody who care anyway, so they choose to pour out and share their opinions and point of views in different medias, blog for instance, like some of my dearly friends do here in my blog links section.

So what’s the use of the friendster’s bulletin board anyway?

Obviously it’s not for some holding some discussions about some particular issues that are happening and need our concern, it’s also not for exchanging point of views, or information…
Well, I’m not saying that filling those trivial and funny quizzes as something that is wrong, though… it could be quite an amusement sometimes… some of the questions in those quizzes are so trivial that it makes me stop for a while and smile a bit. You know, sometimes you get too busy thinking about those intricate and complicated things in your life, you forgot about those simple details that you often missed. However, the thing is… stopping awhile for simple and cute details, really, do not mean that you have the excuse to forget about the whole and the real design…

But, probably Ruli’s right… friendster and its bulletin board and those circles of linked friends are indeed not in the mean or not designed for ‘yang berat-berat’…



Anonymous said...

ya! friendster sux... err correction: People sux!

prin_theth said...

Si, ini lucu deh. Posting lo remind me of something that I read in Newsweek mag ttg Burger King (maap kalo agak gak nyambung dan cheesy...)

Burger king udah 14 tahun ganti 10 CEO krn merugi/mau bangkrut melulu. Akhirnya datanglah Brenneman, CEO baru yang punya visi utk menaikkan ranking Burger King sebagai the best fast food restaurant.

Sekarang 'kan di States lagi gencar-gencarnya healthy food awareness, sampe McD and Wendys--top 2 best fast food in States--bikin menu yang health conscious seperti eliminating supersizes and pushing non fat menus and salads.

Nah, Burger King nggak. Burger king gives its best customers what they want dengan bikin menu yang kebalikan dengan McD, seperti 760 calories enormous omelet sandwich and other unbelievably yummy but fatty food. Strategi baru itu naikin breakfast sales aja sampe 20%.

Well, Friendster is Burger King. 'Kosong', fun in a pathetic way, dan tentu saja tidak bergizi untuk pemikiran. Well, frankly, that's what Friendster's consumer want... termasuk saya mungkin hehehe... Jadi Friendster memang bukan the place to be for, you know... 'smart-asses'.

You know why I said 'smart-asses'? Jaman duluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sekali, sebelum gue nge-add lo di FS si, gue pernah posting BulBor dgn topik yang 'agak berat'. And well, even one of my good friend called me 'smart-ass'. And I'm not comfy with it.

Trying to engage 'heavy/smart' discussion on FS is like trying to find a vegan menu in McDonald's.

So now I just follow the flow. Enjoying FS like a junk cheeseburger. It's all good for me, sih.

Ruli, atau anyone else, bisa kok dapet insight-insight dari media-media lain di Internet spt Milis, blog, atau apa gitu. More worth it. No?

prin_theth said...

So why do you think Friendster keep adding up picture capacity? Blog? Etc. Ajang pamer diri, no?

Anonymous said...

well... i guess the problem lies in the people. friendster is nothing but tools, provided that every one understands the functions well enough. the problem is, there are too many people don't give a second to understand and experience the function. they just toy with it.

yogi's right. friendster doesn't suck... people do! especially Andinadp kind of people

sisie said...

kay... i agree with lurino, many people don't give a second to understand and experience the function of something they have or they do,
atau bisa jadi juga kebalikannya...
justru menurut mereka, fungsi friendster itu justru seperti fungsi Burger King yang dibilang Laila. dan mereka justru dengan segenap hati menyadari fungsi tersebut, dengan meng-upload foto sebanyak2nya, mengisi blog (a.k.a ajang pamer aktivitas GAUL sehari2) and so on and so forth dalam rangka mengoptimalkan fungsi itu...
fungsi itu cuma tergantung point of view dan rasanya beda point of view beda kotak..

Anonymous said...

I agree with sis, friendster is not where I go to have a meaningful discussion, takor gives so much more in that line. In fact, if you compare my friendster blog with my blogdrive posts, you'll find some differences in the post subjects. In fact my friendster account was originally intended to keep in touch with (not to indocrinate)those friends I rarely meet, what's the point of telling you people how I feel about certain issues when I've just done it already.